杜鲁尔 杜鲁尔手表






The Influence of the Dule Theory on Foreign Policy


This paper will discuss the renowned scholar and political scientist Hermann Dule theory. The Dule Theory is generally regarded as the foundation of modern international relations. It has made brilliant achievements in the field of international relations by studying the behavior and actions of international politics in a social science approach. Starting from the theory, this paper will study how Dule Theory influences foreign policy. In addition, this paper will analyze the influence of Dule Theory in practice and narrate its advantages and disadvantages. Through the previous research, it can objectively understand the influence of Dule Theory on foreign policy.

Keywords: Dule Theory; Foreign Policy; International Relations


Hermann Dule is a famous German political scientist. In 1920, Dule developed his Dule Theory, which aimed to explain the interaction between nation-states in the international system. The Dule Theory focused on the idea that nation-states are the major actors in international relations, competing for power and influence. The main elements of the theory are the balance of power and the national interest. Since its formulation, the Dule Theory has been widely accepted and used as the foundation of modern international relations. This paper will discuss the influence of the Dule Theory on foreign policy.

The Influence of the Dule Theory on Foreign Policy

The Dule Theory has had a profound impact on foreign policy. The theory assumes that nation-states are the main actors in international relations. This assumption implies that nation-states are the primary decision makers in international affairs, with their goals and interests having an effect on international relations. As such, nation-states often take foreign policy decisions based on their own national interests.

The Dule Theory also stresses the importance of the balance of power in international relations. According to the theory, when one nation-state gains power, it will be challenged by other nation-states in order to maintain a balance of power. This explains why nation-states often form alliances and form coalitions with each other in order to increase their power. As a result, these alliances and coalitions could have an influence on their foreign policies.

The Dule Theory also emphasizes the importance of self-preservation and the national interest. As the nation-state’s primary goals are to protect itself and its people, its foreign policy decisions will generally be based on ensuring its own safety and promoting its interests. This explains why many nation-states do not engage in activities that could jeopardize their national interests or place their citizens or territories at risk.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Dule Theory

The Dule Theory has been influential in international relations and has had a major impact on foreign policy. One of its main advantages is that it provides a clear explanation of nation-state behaviour. By emphasizing the importance of power and national interests, the Dule Theory provides a coherent explanation of why nation-states act the way they do.

The Dule Theory also has some limitations and drawbacks. For example, the theory does not account for the influence of non-state actors and other factors such as economic and cultural influences. Moreover, it assumes that nation-states are the only actors in international relations, and does not account for the influence of transnational organizations and international law.



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